
Kumi Guitar has truly expressed the nature of Ghanaian showbiz; a**kissing, hypocritical, greedy, and no principles.

Kumi Guitar
Kumi Guitar

The adage has always been, “to truly know a man’s heart, give him money, fame or power”. It is only under one of the aforementioned circumstances that one can truly know how human or how much of a savage a person can be. Kumi Guitar, who used his plight as a Taxi Driver to earn the sympathy of some Ghanaian music lovers, today, finds it convenient to poke his nose into the business of another by casting insinuations.

Ghanaians woke up to an altercation between staff of Zylofon media led by Laurence Nana Asuamah Hanson known better as Bulldog, and members of Bhim Nation led by Stonebwoy. The circumstances leading to the violence still appears murky, as each side seeks to indulge the public to favor its narrative. Whilst the incident can best be described as unfortunate buffoonery, it could be seen as a good test case for the young and ambitious record label.

Record labels, like all human institutions will once in a while have to deal with matters pertaining to artiste interests, label interests and many other issues; including lawsuits. But the finesse with which a label resolves all its conflicts, define the professional attitude of the label. The use of violence, cannot be argued as a proper conflict resolution method, not even when one advances the argument of self-defense. It is therefore surprising that  a label touted as being a game changer, would employ a Rambo-style approach as part of an effort to resolve a disagreement.

The happenings at Zylofon seem to suggest an impasse between the Bhim Nation leader, Stonebwoy & the label. Whilst tirades have been thrown at Stonebwoy, the specifics regarding agreements and his crimes continue to elude the Ghanaian public as vague arguments are made more prominent, albeit the ineffectiveness of probing questions by the public/journalist/showbiz commentators.

Interestingly Kumi Guitar, who is an artiste and a label-mate of Stonebwoy found his arrogance and true self by releasing a diss song. One that seeks to downplay the interest of Stonebwoy. Whilst it remains within his right to employ the lyrics desired to properly communicate, it is worth knowing that this is the same artiste that begged Ghanaians to accept his craft, the same artiste that feigned humility, and even cried whilst performing a song on Pluzz Fm. Today, he is able to insult another artiste for standing for his own, anyway, it’s the nature of Ghanaian showbiz.

Kumi Guitar has truly expressed the nature of Ghanaian showbiz; a**kissing, hypocritical, greedy, and no principles. My advice to Kumi Guitar is simple, “Man for chop, but man for have some principles.”

Listen to Kumi Guitar’s diss song below.


Even though the boss of Zylofon media, Nana Appiah Mensah aka NAM 1 has called for calm as they seek an appropriate resolution to the impasse with Stonebwoy, the machinations continue to discredit Stonebwoy.

Enjoy Kumi-Guitar’s Betweener…


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