A CALL FOR ENTRIES; Miracle Wave International Ltd. to help upcoming Film & TV producers.

MW-Media Creativity Contest
MW-Media Creativity Contest

MW-Media , an off-shoot of The Miracle Wave International Limited invites the general public, especially young film-makers and creatives with ideas for short-films, for a collaboration which could lead to partnership(s). This initiative is to help young filmmakers sharpen their skills, build profiles, and enable them prepare adequately for the Film & Television industry.

The Socio-economic impact of Film and Television

Film and TV have become major instruments in the socio-economic development of the world. As lucrative businesses, they hinge on the practice of good production values which in turn offers access to world markets. As a development tools, they have become a medium through which activism is carried, cultures are demystified, new ways are encouraged; in essence film and TV are used in influencing and maintaining order in our societies.

Film making is a direct investment and the observance of good production values, remain the genesis of what constitutes awe-inspiring film making. It is based on this backdrop that the film making process is mostly forged by a team of creatives willing to bring an idea to life.  It is an attestation that man is influenced more by what he or she sees than any other means of expression, thus making Film & TV communications unavoidable ventures.

MW-Media Creativity Contest
MW-Media Creativity Contest

This notwithstanding, funding, innovative trends in Film development, and cutting-edge equipment remain a challenge for upcoming film makers, however small they may want to start. This partly so because of the sophistication attached to the current needs of society, which makes entry barriers high for the up and coming film-maker.

MW-Media is here to HELP

Considering an art & talent perspective, one needs to hone their talents by practicing more. Quality! Quality! Quality! Is the way forward. This is the only way to ensure that when the big projects are tabled, an investor would not be skeptical regarding outcome. It is the above regard that many film makers venture into short-films as well as other types of films; this makes it easier to convince potential investors for big projects.

No matter how small a good film is perceived to be, it requires quality(highly-trained) personnel, quality equipment and quality story-lines to attract funding/investment. More often than not upcoming talent’s do not have the luxury of having access to the aforementioned. In Ghana, the 3 Q’s have not been fully explored as a means of realizing filming-making dreams. Thus, the over-reliance on foreign Film & Television content in Ghana’s Media landscape; that is where MW-Media comes in.

The MW-Media Solution

MW-Media Creativity Contest
MW-Media Creativity Contest

MW-Media is a fully equipped and resourced Film, TV, and Music Production house ready to inject its 3-Q’s in empowering upcoming film-makers and content developers. This, we see as a corporate social responsibility and a panacea to ailing industry. Our collaborations are with the intent of creating funding avenues, by proving the capabilities of independent film makers to potential funders. We also seek to project the works of film makers to the world through film festivals and serialized television shows as partners.

We are therefore inviting creatives with film making idea’s centered on the following;

  • Short Films
  • Documentaries
  • Youtube Shows
  • Comedy Skits

The concepts will be scrutinized by our highly skilled team; shortlisted concepts will be developed and produced as a team.

Criterion to enter the MW-Media Creativity Contest

  • There are no age limits.
  • Concepts must reach MW-Media by close of day; 25th February 2018.
  • Concepts MUST possess either an EDUCATIONAL value, or QUALITY entertainment value.
  • Concept MUST exude creativity, i.e. creative thinking.
  • Concept execution MUST demand high levels of creativity.
  • Only shortlisted entries will be invited to pitch.
  • Concepts chosen for production will be based on how convincing your pitch is.
  • Pitcher MUST be willing to partner MW-Media in whatever capacity deemed appropriate.
  • Synopsis can be submitted by email, or through all MW related social media accounts.
MW-Media Creativity Contest
MW-Media Creativity Contest

Documents to attach to entry;

  • Synopsis
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Portrait of entrant
  • Screenshots showing entrant has liked, followed or subscribed to MW-Media’s Social Media handles

Social media handles:








Tel: +233-50-151-6868

(All Shortlisted pitchers will get a second opportunity when MW-Media launches the Film & TV for societal change project later in 2018. )

Good Luck!



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