Kartam Graytnes puts Mixtape release on hold; chooses to educate fans on how to reduce the spread of Covid-19


Emerging Fusion expert  Kartam Graytnes has put the release of his World Supa Mixtape on hold. Whilst preparations have been far advanced for the release of the tape, Kartam believes concentrating on reducing the spread of the deadly Convid-19 for the next couple of weeks is worth it. He therefore took to his facebook to page to detail what he intends doing as his contribution to the fight against the spread of the corona virus.

Below is what he posted on facebook.

“Whilst music keeps the soul going, I believe this is the time to share more information about how to prevent the spread of covid-19 in Ghana. In line with the aforementioned, my team will be spreading as much information as possible with regards to the pandemic. My EP which has been readied for release would also be shelved for now.
Let’s pray and take all precautionary measures prescribed by the health directorate serious. Stay safe to keep others safe…It’s a win for us in the offing.


Checkout out songs by Kartam Graytnes below

Wani Nye By Anaiy Beatx & Kartam Graynes is for all your parties.

Kartam Graytnes cautions in new single; We Are Lost

Mambo By Kartam GrayTnes.

Kartam Graytnes pays homage to Nima in new single; Yaaro Nima


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