Partial Lockdown Blues; Anthony Eshun the Doctor, piques.


The effects of the partial lockdown in Ghana continues…several scenarios call for a critical look at the issue, however none bereft of intricacies. As the ordinary Ghanaian bemoans the actions and inactions of the government, security agencies, and all other relevant agencies, the revelations of people who in one way or the other have encountered some authority figures continue to cast a dent on the efforts to contain and quell the spread of Covid-19.

Anthony Eshun a medical doctor has suffered the ordeal many health workers have complained about since the presidents directive for a partial lockdown of some parts of Ghana. Whilst we commend the efforts of all to keep Ghana going in these hard times, the excesses deserve space in the media. Recounting his experience with a policeman whilst en route work, the obviously lowly doctor shared the following on Facebook.

“So I woke up crestfallen today after spending most of last night watching how many countries in the world especially Ecuador struggle to contain the COVID-19.
I, nonetheless, got ready and set off for work taking my usual route only to be greeted by some mega traffic. So many cars had stopped on that road stretch today. It took me about 20 minutes to get to the police check point which was just about 40 meters ahead. On arrival at the checkpoint, I beheld one of the most hostile looking policeman it has ever been my displeasure to encounter. One could arguably say this man’s contorted face had the semblance of the deadly unforgiving corona virus if we were to give COVID-19 a face.

As usual, I greeted him politely and showed him my GMA card expecting the usual pass signal to drive on. This time around it was different! The angry police officer looked me in the face intently and shouted rudely saying: “Massa! U-turn and go back!” I was perplexed. I tried to show him my card once more but the guy got even more angry. He screamed again: “I said go back!!”

With mixed feelings, I just said thank you to him and politely made my u-turn.
“What was the point of going to work to go see the patients in the first place? Aren’t we all supposed to stay safe at home? Are health workers immune to COVID-19? Don’t we all need a break from work and decrease our risk of exposure in these times of COVID-19? Why will this officer disrespectfully talk to me and turn me away like I was some covidiot breaking the stay-at-home golden rule?”

These were my racing thoughts as I made that u-turn of shame en route back home. Long story short, I decided to take a French leave today and stay at home- How refreshing this day off has been so far.

A word of advice to all you citizens who are making our police officers cranky by not staying indoors, this is the kind of treatment health workers get because of your irresponsibility. And to the police officers manning these checkpoints, kudos on your work. But please learn to manage your frustrations and don’t take it up on we the non-covidiots because if you turn us away, we will just go home with no qualms. Not all of us feel comfortable going to work like that oo especially in these times of inadequate PPEs.

Stay safe! Stay home so we can work to keep y’all healthy!”

He posted. These are indeed no ordinary times.


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