
G-Cliff Inspires with Kowomangi

Kowomangi By G-Cliff

Kowomangi means “It’s gonna be alright” in Kasem; and like Kendrick Lamar did with “Alright”, G-Cliff is giving hope to many through this beautiful piece of music.

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Call him an enigma and you aren’t far from the truth. He’s transcended time and trends; whilst his contemporaries repose their relevance, G-Cliff constantly re-invents himself to suit the times.

Formerly known as George Cliff, a force in the establishment of contemporary music in the Northern Region, especially the rap genre; his strive has always been to please his fans. “Kowomangi” therefore comes just in time as the year draws to a close. Once we have life, everything is indeed “gonna be alright”.

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Kowomangi is performed in Kasem, one of the popular languages in the Upper East Region, as well as some parts of Burkina Faso. Despite having an appealing rhythm for those who may not understand the lyrics, it is worth noting that, G-Cliff specifically made this song to show appreciation to his Kassena lineage.

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G-Cliff is one of those artistes who relevance never fades with the time. Having maintained a calm demeanor through the years, he’s often referred to as the humblest of the humble. As a rapper and a singer, his exploits go beyond the desire to entertain, but also to inspire. He’s worked with artiste like Trigmatic, Quata Budukusu, DND, Iwan and several other amazing musicians.

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For those who may not have experienced an electrified performance by G-Cliff, make your way to Navrongo for the maiden edition of the DND concert inside Fehna Guest House, 29th December.

In his own words “ Anaawi vhim, taawo Joggobu vhim”; to wit, a call to charge. The holidays just got better; and we are definitely partying and keeping hope as mantra for the coming year.

“Kowomangi”, once we have life and health, that’s a reason to push on.

Listen & Download Kowomangi by G-Cliff Below.

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