
Honcho Neggar to Fight Kumerica in a battle of bars


In a spirit of rap-battles, the Honcho Neggar has thrown a few impetuous but controlled shots at the Kumerican wave. The song titled Kumerica appears to be a ploy by the well-respected Upper East Mcee to draw out any worthy opponent for a battle. With an impressive flow, infectious beat, and well-calculated lyrics, Kumerican Wave is definitely worth any Hip Hop playlist.

Listen to Kumerican Wave By Honcho Neggar Below

The Kumerican wave came as a result of trendy hip-hop phenomena from the Ashanti Regional Capital, Oseikrom (Kumasi). With Artistes like Ypee, Kofi Jamar, and most recently Yaw Tog dropping very “American” Hip Hop songs.

What Honcho Neggar stands for

Several music lovers have expressed varied opinions on the trend. However, one cannot take away the effect it has had on contemporary music from the Ashanti Region. Many rappers like Cabum have tried over the years to push music from the region to the fore, however, efforts have been unsuccessful until the whole Asaaka aka Kumerican wave emerged.

The trend is dominating and has earned artistes like Yaw Tog collaborations with one of the UK’s biggest rappers, Stormzy.

Hocho Neggar, a very reserved yet monstrous rapper aspires for authenticity. With his last song, I am Rap, he’s proven focused on what is intricately Hip Hop. This makes his call for a battle one worthy of patronage. Suffice to say, in recent times, many have bemoaned the dumb-down of rap and hip-hop culture. What a delight it will be for Mcees to bring back the golden era where rap was not just blings and girls. Rather, punchlines that are capable of sending listeners to a dictionary or a book.

Pound for pound, Honcho Neggar is ready to journey from Navrongo to Kumerica for a major “mauling” of any rappers with game.

Checkout Budukusu’s latest song HERE



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